BC is a province covering 944,735 km², with a population over 5 million. But it's main population centers are concentrated mostly in the lower mainland, which means that both the conveniences of cosmopolitan living and the best of the outdoors is in close proximity, making local tourism easy and accessible. So there's no excuse to get out of the urban core and let nature's restorative powers work it's magic in your soul.
Victoria –Quaint and perfectly British, Victoria is on Vancouver Island, and is a 1.5 hour ferry ride away from Tsawwassen. A great weekend romantic getaway where you can watch whales and have afternoon tea all in the same day. www.tourismvictoria.com
Harrison Hot Springs – Relax and experience the healing hot mineral waters of Harrison Hot Springs. This quiet resort town is in the Fraser Valley. www.tourismharrison.com/hot-springs
Whistler –Home to North America's largest ski resort and also open year-round for all season outdoor activities. TheSea-to-Sky-Highway route from Vancouver also includes Alice Lake, Shannon Falls, Stawamus Chief and the Britannia Mines. www.whistler.com
Bowen Island – a picturesque destination in the middle of Howe Sound, only a 20-minute ferry ride from Horseshoe Bay in West Vancouver. www.tourismbowenisland.com
Manning Park – A year round family-friendly resort about 3 hours drive from Vancouver, halfway to Penticton in the Okanagan. Here you’ll find camping, skiing, snowshoeing, big sky watching, and more! www.manningpark.com
Fort Langley – The Fort Langley National Historic Site is home of the Hudson Bay Company’s fur trading post. This little charming town about an hour from downtown Vancouver and will give you a taste of the west coast's pioneer history. www.tourism-langley.ca/location/fort-langley/
Grouse Mountain – Only 15 minutes from downtown, this mountain is one of Vancouver's most popular attractions. There's skiing, outdoor adventures, summer shows and rich cultural experiences. Spend a whole day here and be back in the city in no time. www.grousemountain.com
Steveston Village – Steveston is a historic fishing village in Richmond. Today there is still the Gulf of Georgia Cannery which is now a national historic site. As well, there are a variety of fish and chips shops and things to do that make it a perfect day trip. www.visitrichmondbc.com/discover-richmond/steveston-village
White Rock – This seaside community boasts beaches, fabulous dining, unique shops, and one of the province's best farmers markets. It's close to the US border, so you can make this a stop on your way to shopping in the US. www.explorewhiterock.com
The Sunshine Coast is perfect for both a weekend getaway and also for longer term stays. The ferry ride here from West Vancouver is 40 minutes and seaplanes from Vancouver to Sechelt take only 20 minutes. To experience nature at it's finest and most authentic, RV parks and campgrounds as vacation hotspots are on the rise. Pet and family friendly, this resort has all the amenities you need for modern convenience and comfort. We are open all year around and the area hosts all kinds of events ,that attract visitors from across Canada and the USA.
Seniors can take the ferry here for free Monday to Thurs, on non holidays. In fact, the Sunshine coast is one of the most popular getaways for people in this demographic who are living in and around Vancouver. There is plenty here that will cater to your needs!
So, come to where the Spirit of Adventure is alive and flourishing. Come where the salty ocean breezes mingle with the crisp mountain air. The natural bounty found here is so rich in natural wonder, that you'll forget the city is not that far away.
For more information about how to get to the Sunshine Coast, and what the area has to offer that make it a perfect weekend getaway, check out this article.