BC is famous for its availability of coastal, river and lake activities. Boating, sailing and watersports such as kayaking, canoeing and whitewater rafting all attract millions of tourist annually. The province also has both saltwater and freshwater fishing, with campgrounds, RV parks or recreation sites are often nearby. Here we have handy information that you need to know before you go boating or fishing.
All motorized boats over 10hp require a license. For more details go to Transport Canada.
You must be 16 years old or over to operate a power driven boat, and possess a Canadian Boating Licence or Proof of Competency that shows you understand the rules of the water and all the essentials of boating safety. This applies to boats owned or rented.
Wind and storms are unpredictable, and you must always be prepared. All boats require safety equipment which includes Personal Floatation Devices (PFD’s) or lifejackets for each person on board. You should also have a watertight flashlight, a bailer, flares and an emergency communication device.
For a comprehensive guide to boating in BC and Canada read Transport Canada’s Safe Boating Guide . Non resident recreational boaters can find information here.
Nautical charts are available that can steer you clear of obstacles such as low bridges and underground cables. Watch out for ferries, tugs and floatplanes. Always carry a compass and be aware of swimmers, divers and water skiers.
Insurance should always be purchased, and is required for larger marine vessels. Smaller boats may be covered under your home insurance policy.
For more information on boating in BC:
http://ahoybc.com/ http://bcparks.ca/recreation/marine_parks/Fishing and camping pair together is the classic outdoor experience that can't be missed! BC is blessed with both saltwater and freshwater fishing, and often nearby are private or public campgrounds, RV parks or recreation sites. Garden Bay RV resort is next to both a fresh water lake and the Salish Sea. If you are considering fishing, here's some general information for you to know:
With over 25,000 lakes, BC is a fishing haven. Some fish species such as the steelhead and white sturgeon ( available in the lower Fraser only) require a purchased conservation stamp. Other popular species for freshwater anglers include rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, kokanee, char and whitefish
The Pacific coastline, stretching from Victoria, BC to Alaska, is abundant with saltwater fishing opportunities. You can rent a fishing charter and guide for recreational angling and a chance to fish for species such as halibut, or trophy sized chinook.
To fish in British Columbia waters, all anglers require a valid licence.
Venders That Sell Licenses:
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/fishing-hunting/fishing/recreational-freshwater-fishing-licenceFreshwater Fishing Regulation:
https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/sports-culture/recreation/fishing-hunting/fishing/fishing-regulationsSaltwater Fishing Regulation:
https://recfish-pechesportive.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/nrls-sndpp/index-eng.cfmCatch and Release Rules to Follow:
https://www.gofishbc.com/Blog/How-To-Fish/Best-Practices-for-Handling-Releasing-Your-Catch.aspxGarden Bay RV Resort is in Pender Harbour, a busy leisure boating area with secure anchorage and a small dinghy dock. This popular country resort region is one of the best places in BC to go boating, sailing and fishing. If you need a place to store your boat (or RV) in the Sunshine Coast, we have extra parking space available, on a safe, secured property, all year round. Contact us to find out availability.